Observing Consumer Culture Theory: Benefits Businesses

“Companies that were paying attention understood they were witnessing the birth of the “self-directed consumer”, because the internet and all the other tools for the flat world had created a means for every consumer to customize exactly the price, experience, and service he or she wanted.”

-Thomas L. Friedman


With such powerful quote in mind, it is relevant to see that marketers must be able to observe and listen to what it is that consumers are viewing as socially acceptable in a high consumer culture society. If you as a company are able to understand such concept and gain insight you WILL succeed as a business, whether you are a large or small business.


Consumer Culture is defined as the commonly held social belief that defines what is socially acceptable in a specific society. So, for example the United States would pretty much be considered a large consumer culture in many aspects. See, this Society follows a lifestyle where utilitarian values, such as obtaining material goods, are used to feel a sense of happiness and satisfaction. Which can be beneficial from an economic perspective, since consumer culture helps drive consumer spending. An example of consumer culture would be keeping up with the latest iPhone like the peers around you, or even purchasing a sort of merchandise to improve quality of life, whether it is due to the valuable experience or other factors.

The Consumer Culture Theory in marketing is a philosophy that focuses on the psychological effects of buying. Most marketers use such theory to their advantage by advertising how a certain product will benefit the target markets life. In other words, marketers portray lifestyle benefits of the certain product(s) and encourage customers like you and me to define the product(s) as the path to happiness, or a more satisfying lifestyle.

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So, how are companies taking advantage of the theory?

Well, ever walk into a store like Bed, Bath, and Beyond and find yourself staring at advertisements of a woman relaxing in a bathtub reading a book with all calmness? well that advertisement is just utilized to sell a bathrobe. However, beyond the scope of just selling. it is targeted to reach an audience that seeks to live a lifestyle such as the woman in the ad; which will eventually lead to the purchase of the bathrobe.


As you can see, it is relevant to see how marketers can assist businesses to grow just by observing us, the consumers that create a culture in society; that is, the consumer culture.

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